Your Reputation Rests on Your Landing Page

When your target is that specific, what you put on that page becomes all the more important.

dollar bill from wallet

Landing pages serve the purpose of greeting visitors after they have clicked a link to a product or service. Plenty of times, a landing page is the home page. When that’s so, the tech of home pages applies. Just as often, however, landing pages often take visitors to the exact product or service of their interest. Those pages are deceptively simple. They present the product and little else. When your target is that specific, what you put on that page becomes all the more important.

Bounces from Landing Pages Ruin Your Reputation

Landing pages need to present exactly what the link to them suggests. A visitor who sees something other than what the link promised is going to leave very quickly. You will get a one or two second visit. That’s called a bounce. When Google, or any other browser, records a high percentage of bounces, they downgrade the value of that website. That page will receive fewer and fewer visits. No one wants that.

Lead Page Visitors toward Your Goal

While pictures serve as an ideal way to assure visitors they’ve arrived at the right place, your writing has to do so also. After the visitor realizes they’re on the page they want to be, they next look for information. That information should be well organized and suited to lead the person forward toward the goal you set up that page to accomplish. That goal might be to render information or to sell something. Either way, the page needs to clearly and easily provide the solution to the visitor. The better it does so, the longer they will stay or the quicker they will buy.

Successful Sales Improve Your Reputation

A swift visit to a page followed by a purchase is most certainly not a bounce. In contrast to bounces, purchases will gain you a reputation with browsers for being valuable to visitors. When you gain that kind of reputation, browsers become more willing to present your site as a valid option to individuals searching the Internet.

Everyone Wins with Good Landing Pages

The language on a landing page should first greet the visitor and then provide solutions. When you do that, your page visitor wins, and that means you win too. Make sure your landing pages are well-written to satisfy customers. You will gain more visits over time and improve your reputation with both visitors and web browser services.

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